SKALD 019: Listen now.

SKALD 019 is the best episode yet. Why wouldn’t you listen to it? It’d be crazy. It would be actually, clinically insane not to listen to it. Seriously, I would worry about you, possibly even send people to your house if you didn’t listen to it. iTunes, Stitcher, Podomatic.

Actually, there’s one way it wouldn’t be totally insane not to listen to SKALD: If you’d prefer to read it instead. In that case, go buy SKALD Vol 1: The One True King of Men on Amazon – it’s a $2.99 ebook that collects the prose for the first 16 chapters of The Only Story That Matters™. Seriously, buy it.

Want to get special rewards, including future ebook versions of SKALD, while also helping support the show on a monthly basis? Patreon is the place to make that happen. I’d be super grateful.

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