WWE 2K14 – top game on social media!

20909Hotspot-SingStar-80:Layout 1So, definitely more than a little late on this one, but it’s something I’m really pleased with and wanted to call out: WWE 2K14 (you know, the game I do social media for) was on [a]list daily’s list of top games on social media for the month of October!

Now, whenever someone points at your hard work and says “Good job!” it’s a nice thing, but this is an EXTRA nice thing because of the absolutely HUMONGOUS games that share space on that list with us: Batman: Arkham Origins, Pokemon, FIFA, Grand Theft Auto, Assassin’s Creed, Call of Duty and more!

Best of all is what they chalk the success up to: Our intense daily YouTube activity, which has amounted to more than 10 million views on the channel!!!

Check out the full write-up!

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