Straight Shoot goes on vacation!

Coming up, STRAIGHT SHOOT and, well, myself, are going to be taking a much-delayed and well-deserved vacation. The vacation will affect STRAIGHT SHOOT RETRO on April 23, 2014 as well as the STRAIGHT SHOOT post-raw show on April 28, 2014, as I’ll be on my aforementioned hiatus during that period.

But fear not, faithful STRAIGHT SHOOT viewers/listeners/whatever, because starting on April 30, 2014, we’ll be back with a vengeance. Just look at all this awesome stuff planned upon my return:

Thanks for bearing with us while we take this brief interlude from bringing you The World’s Smartest Rasslin Talk Show. If you feel like you might miss hearing from me, you could do a lot worse than to like my Facebook page and follow me on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram.

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