SKALD 054: Panic, command & obey

“‘The roots have done what?’ Enleth, Queen Enleth, bellowed at the young dwarf…”

The Only Story That Matters™ continues with its best episode yet, SKALD 054, available now on iTunes, Stitcher & Podomatic.

A big part of SKALD is how it’s produced: One guy, one story, one take. It’s totally do-it-yourself and that’s something that I’m enormously proud of. But, in order to keep it that way, in order to keep the show going at all, I need your support. Go to the SKALD Patreon page today and sign up to pledge a small monthly dollar amount to The Only Story That Matters™.

And if you want more SKALD? Or just some help catching up on the previous episodes? Pick up the SKALD prose volumes on Amazon, including the newest, SKALD Vol III: Broken World.

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