SKALD 021: Buy it a mug of mead

After spending a full twenty episodes trying to sneak into taverns for as simple mug of mead or flagon of ale, with episode 021, SKALD is finally drinking age. Celebrate by listening on iTunes, Stitcher or Podomatic.

There’s nothing else like SKALD – believe me, I’ve looked, because if I didn’t already know exactly what was going to happen, SKALD would be damn well near my favorite thing. If you’re digging the audio version, give your ears a break and let your eyes in on the fun with SKALD Vol I: The One True King of Men, an ebook collecting the first 16 episodes in their mind-searing prose version. If you’re kind enough to drop the measly $2.99 that the thing costs, I’m hoping you’re also kind enough to write a review.

Finally, if you want the show to keep going and growing, please consider making a small monthly pledge to the SKALD Patreon campaign. It’s safe, secure and easy, and most importantly, makes it so I can afford to keep this thing going weekly.

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